Mining & Mineral Resources

Mining & Mineral Resources

The Southern African – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SAGCC) has established a Competence Centre for Mining & Mineral Resources (CCMR), commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. The CCMR is alligned with the Ressource Strategy of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Centre´s main focus is on Southern Africa, more specically South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic Congo where mining is one of the most important Industries. These markets will contribute to the security and diversity of the German resource supply and will be markets for German technology, products and services.

Objectives of CCMR are to:

  1. Create Market Transparency
  2. Support corporation and communication 
  3. Provide Services
  4. Promote German Technologies


  • Continuous market monitoring and analysis of Information 
  • Providing specic market Information 
  • Technology development
  • Education and skills development
  • Compliance and Implementation of standards and norms
  • Preparation and processing 
  • Technology development
  • Supply of material and machinery


  • Along the entire value chain from exploration to processing 
  • Resource eciency 
  • Technology development
  • Education and skills development 
  • Compliance and Implementation of standards and norms 
  • Preparation and processing  
  • Technology development 
  • Supply of material and machinery 

Country profiles on the regulatory framework and the artisanal mining sector

The Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a partner in the EU-funded AfricaMaVal Project, promoting EU-Africa mineral value chain partnerships. Our Competence Centre Mining & Mineral Resources contributed to Work Package 7 - 'Responsible Investment Opportunities,' led by BGR.

We are pleased to announce the publication of the joint deliverable “Country Profiles on the Regulatory Framework and the Artisanal Mining Sector” on the AfricaMaVal website, available for download. This report consolidates the results of task 7.4 (National Regulatory Framework and Good Governance Evaluation) led by Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and task 7.5 (Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) Country Profiles) led by Levin Sources.


AfricaMaVal Website:

Report on the AfricaMaVal Website:

German Day 2024