Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Africa Business Guide – Wegweiser für Ihren Erfolg in Afrika
Der Africa Business Guide ist die erste Adresse für Ihr Afrikageschäft. Als zentrale Plattform des Wirtschaftsnetzwerks Afrika informiert er deutsche Unternehmen über Märkte und Chancen in Afrika – mit Länderinformationen, Erfahrungsberichten, aktuellen Veranstaltungen und Förderangeboten.
*Website is in German only
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Baden-Württemberg Representative Office in South Africa
The state of Baden-Württemberg (supported by the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Tourism Baden-Württemberg) is officially represented in South Africa since June 1, 2019.
The office of the Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry officially supports the promotion, expansion, and development of economic cooperation between Baden-Württemberg and Southern African companies and organizations, as well as the deepening of existing economic relations in Southern Africa.
Bavarian Representative Office in South Africa
Since 2007, location marketing for Bavaria has been actively pursued in South Africa with the aim of supporting South African companies in entering the Bavarian market.
State Development Agency of Thuringia Representative Office in South Africa
Since 1st June 2019 the LEG Thüringen (State Development Agency of Thuringia) is represented in South Africa.