
Das Kompetenzzentrum: Sourcing zielt darauf ab, Unternehmen aus dem südlichen Afrika in die Lage zu versetzen, in die globale Wertschöpfungskette deutscher und europäischer Unternehmen zu liefern. Der Sitz des Kompetenzzentrums befindet sich in Johannesburg; es wird von einer durch CIM (Centrum für internationale Migration und Entwicklung) im Rahmen des Programms Business Scouts for Development vermittelten Fachkraft geleitet.

©istock/author: thitivong

Eine der Hauptaufgaben des Kompetenzzentrums wird zunächst darin bestehen, Produkte und Dienstleistungen südafrikanischer Unternehmen zu identifizieren, die in die Lieferketten deutscher und europäischer Unternehmen integriert werden koennen.


Das Kompetenzzentrum fokussiert sich auf die Region des südlichen Afrikas. Die Hauptaufgaben des Kompetenzzentrums Sourcing:

  • Analyse und Bereitstellung von Marktinformationen
  • Netzwerk und Kooperationsplattform
  • Unterstützung bei der Suche nach europäischen Geschäftspartnern und Verbänden
  • Beratungsdienstleistungen zu Markteintritt, Messen, Lieferketten, Finanzierung und Fördermöglichkeiten,
  • Organisation von Veranstaltungen in den Bereichen Beschaffung, Exportmarketing, Messe-Workshops, Workshops zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.

Business Scouts for Development sind als entwicklungspolitische Expert*innen in rund 40 Ländern weltweit tätig. Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) beraten sie deutsche, europäische und lokale Unternehmen zu entwicklungspolitischen Themen und fördern verantwortungsvolles wirtschaftliches Engagement durch Kooperationsprojekte. Die Business Scouts for Development arbeiten dabei eng mit Partnern aus der verfassten Wirtschaft und Organisationen der beruflichen Bildung in Deutschland und vor Ort zusammen.

Programm Business Scouts for Development

Training Course: Sustainable Supply chains – shaping value chains responsibly through embedding due diligence-free of charge

Learn about the broad landscape of existing sustainability standards and due diligence expectations driven by customers, society, financial markets as well as developing legal requirements, in particular in Europe and Germany.

Virtual Trade Fair Pitch Southern Africa | 13 - 15 July 2021

From July 13-15, the Competence Centre Sourcing organized the “AHK-GIZ-Trade-Fair-Pitch" for companies from Southern Africa. A total of 80 companies applied for the 30 available slots. The industries were diverse and so the jury had to make some tough decisions during the event.

Companies from the following countries (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Madagascar, Eswatini, Mauritius, Lesotho and Malawi) had the opportunity to present their products and services to a prominent jury.

“The response was great and we are happy to offer so many companies a platform to present their products & services”, says Alexa Gerrard – Regional Coordinator at the SA German Chamber.  

A total of 16 winners were selected. They will now have the opportunity to participate in a professional trade fair preparation program. In addition, the winners will be able to present themselves free of charge on the B2B sourcing platform of AHK SA, which will be launched in the coming months. The following link to the platform will show you a video of the virtual trade fair.  

Watch the Virtual Trade Fair Pitch Southern Africa Video

The Winners are:

Jendamark Automation (Pty) Ltd  |  Third Story Creations  |  Munch Innovation (Pty)Ltd |  
Metallum Fabrication (Pty) Ltd  |  Black Mamba Foods  |  SOG Water Solutions  |  
WinSalt Manufacture (Pty)Ltd  |  Omba Arts Trust   |  LYCHEELAND  |  The Engineering HUB  |
Donkey Milk Industries Secret Kalahari - Posts Facebook  |  Paltech Technologies  |  
V KANHYE HEALTH FOODS CO LTD  |  Natura Africa – Natural Namibian Cosmetics CC |  
Agrisun Technology (Pty) Ltd  |  Jalad Africa  |  

The pitch took place on a virtual trade fair platform. Here the participants could present themselves on virtual booths. The platform also offered networking opportunities.

Virtual Trade Fair Pitch Southern Africa | 13 - 15 July 2021 - EXPO-IP

The event was supported by GIZ and the Business Scout for Development Program. Likewise, local organizations were involved in the preparation and promotion of the format. “For the support and participation in the jury we would like to thank Luke Govender (Department: Trade, Industry & Competition) and Dino Ballotti (Namibian Investment & Promotion Board) for their support. Although we all prefer trade fair shows in person, but the virtual format was a success and we are looking forward to explore new and innovative ways in the future to support companies from Southern Africa to step into the European markets”, says Timo Pleyer – Head of Competence Centre Sourcing & Business Scout for Development.       

Keep your eyes open for further export promotion activities.


A Virtual Covid-19 Protection Campaign

A virtual Covid-19 protection campaign

A virtual Covid-19 protection campaign